Friday, March 4, 2016

Kids in the Kitchen

Do you love to cook? How about bake? If you love to be in the kitchen, it is likely that your kids will, too. So how can you get them involved, even at a young age?

When you are cooking in the kitchen, bring your kids in there with you. Babies and toddlers are amazingly aware of what is going on around them. Even if they can’t help, they will likely enjoy watching and being a part of your joy. Always start with kitchen safety so your child can grow up knowing the importance of safety in any kitchen.

Once your child is old enough to help out, which will vary depending on the child, you can give them jobs. At as young as 2 years old, your toddler can help you add ingredients, gather ingredients, and even help mix. While you are assigning them tasks, you can also make it into a learning experience. Remember that everything is new to children, and the simple ingredients you have been using for years may be a complete adventure for your little one! Taste test the ingredients, and have them feel the different textures and smells.

Once your child is a little older they can start measuring ingredients, greasing the pans, and maybe even stirring the food on the stove. Your child might be able to help with recipes and new ideas, and even start cooking on their own. If you prepare your child young, there is no end to what they can achieve!

How do you get your kids involved in the kitchen? Join our Facebook Group: New Dads United to tell us your ideas!

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