Friday, March 11, 2016

3 Month Old Baby Milestones

If you have a baby, you know that they grow and change daily. Every baby is unique in their milestones, but has some basic milestones to go by. Here are a few things to look out for as your baby, like mine, goes into their third month.

Right now your baby will start moving on purpose rather than on reflex. You will notice intentional movements such as reaching for things, opening and shutting hands, and pushing when their feet are on a surface. Your baby will surprise you by holding a toy and shaking it around. This is a great time to add some rattles to play time!

Your baby is probably babbling, smiling, and even trying to copy sounds you make. Interactions with baby are starting to get more interesting, and every day you will notice something different. Your baby will start watching your face intently and recognizing you from a distance. The baby is starting to communicate more now and understands how to let you know when they are not happy!

What are some things you have noticed your baby doing? Join our Facebook Group: New Dads United to tell your ideas!

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