Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Best Toys for a New Baby

Before babies start really moving around, they seem like they are just sitting there not doing anything. In reality they are taking in their surroundings and learning from everything near them, so stimulating their senses is something you can start doing right away.

At around a month old, babies start to focus on things around them more. They love visual and auditory things. Bright colors and patterns along with pleasing music and sounds can make their day great! So what can you do to help your baby have a great day?

  • Turn on the radio or play some soft music for her.
  • Get a mobile with bright colors and patterns. Just remember not to put it within the baby’s reach!
  • Get an unbreakable mirror and position it so she can see herself. She doesn’t know who it is yet, but soon will!
  • Any sensory toys are great for any baby. These toys can make noises when interacted with, have bright colors, and some even play lullabies.
  • It is never too early to read to your baby. Get some soft books with crunchy pages and rattles inside. This will keep your baby entertained while you read the pages.
  • If the weather permits, take the baby outside in a nice shaded area to lay on a blanket and watch the trees, birds, and clouds. This is a very calming adventure for the baby because she gets fresh air and a new experience!
  • Your baby is probably kicking and punching her arms a lot by now, so get some sock and wrist rattles to teach her cause and effect. You will be amazed at how quickly she learns that noise happens when she moves! 

What are toys that you have found to be baby’s favorite? Join our Facebook Group: New Dads United to tell your ideas!

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